My buddy Drexen showed me how to do this. It's especially useful for jump maps. Here you go:
Make a text file named (YOUR MAP)_level_sounds.txt which will go in your maps folder.
In the text file copy and paste this:
// Disable resupply sound
This replaces the locker sound with the "null" sound which is nothing.
Here are some other examples:
// Demoman cancel pain severe 02
// Demoman cancel pain severe 03
// Demoman cancel pain severe 04
// Demoman stickie beep cancel
"channel" "CHAN_WEAPON"
"soundlevel" "SNDLVL_NONE"
"volume" "1.0"
"wave" "vo/null.wav"
You can look in the game_sounds_manifest for more examples.
When you distribute the map, be sure to pack the text file in with your map using a packing program such as pakrat.