Symmetrical Gravel Pit Prefab (v2)

Symmetrical Gravel Pit Prefab (v2) v2


Imagine Having A Custom Title
Jul 22, 2022
Camel "Submarine" Wagg submitted a new resource:

Symmetrical Gravel Pit Prefab (v1) - gravel pit but taking full advantage of the 8 point limit

ok so yall know gravel pit? so yknow 3cp? its like a mash of both!

all you gotta do to use this is:
  1. download the vmf
  2. copy/paste it into ur map
  3. change the TODO's on the point names to what they are
  4. place the points and capture triggers in the appropriate locations
  5. make sure nothing else conflicts
  6. boom bang ur done!
Note: there is no inbuilt stalemate timer. that is intentional.

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