SUPER TF2 MEGA BABOON HEART YAOI (feat. hatsune miku)

SUPER TF2 MEGA BABOON HEART YAOI (feat. hatsune miku) 1.0


L1: Registered
Jul 19, 2022
Polybrow submitted a new resource:

SUPER TF2 MEGA BABOON HEART YAOI (feat. hatsune miku) - a song about HeavyMedic, sung by Miku. Don't ask.


Now that I have your attention, I'd like to present my TF2maps 72hr jam project!

I've always wanted to make a TF2 vocaloid song, and for some reason the ideas that stuck with me the most were those to do with everyone's(?) favourite(???) TF2 ship.

I don't even ship TF2 characters, but this idea seemed too good to NOT make it.

You can find the song, and the amazing cover art, attached to this post.

I'll update / comment on the post when I get a lyric video made and put on socials...

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