VSH Sunset


L1: Registered
Sep 12, 2014
This is a simple Arena map made with the Versus Saxton Hale and Freak Fortress 2 game modes in mind. I just very recently started using Hammer and this map is where I got my feet wet, which might explain why it's a dry desert now because I splashed that water all over the place yo.

I never intended for this to be a map I'd actually release, but since it works, why not? Saying that, unless it's something incredibly important, I probably won't ever update this map. I considered expanding on it and making it a serious project but due to a flip up while scaling the entire map, It's no longer perfectly aligned on the grid and fixing it would be time and effort I'd rather put into an actual project.

There are barely any props, the only major presence being the fence. some brushes don't even align properly with others, making really tiny gaps. The cacti don't even touch the ground! Nonetheless, it's functional. It even has a 3D skybox.

Use it for VS Saxton Hale, Freak Fortress, Arena, idling, gmod, sniping, rocket jump training, whatever floats your boat.
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L1: Registered
Sep 12, 2014
Updated. Yep, looks like I forgot a vital component of the map: pickups! They've been added, or rather, thrown all over the map. Since the map is kind of big and fairly empty I made the overall distribution a little generous to compensate.


May 12, 2013
I hate playing VSH/FF2 on maps with such gigantic sightlines.
There is one where Snipers are so dominant, it's basicaly the only class being used.

Other than that, the height variation seems strange. Giant open fields right next to something that I can only describe as an Apartment building.
In general, the map is just oversized in a lot of ways. It might be VSH, but it's really darn huge. (2fortdesk is tiny and everyone loves it.)

Detail/Esthetics: The map would probably look way better with devtextures as it is right now. Try to at least add mountains in the skybox.
The map is also way too boxy. One of Hydro's CP rooms is just a box with box buildings, and still they managed to make it look good. (Go through the Dev-Commentary on Hydro) As this here is the an entire map, and not just a room, adding big round objects (Buildings/Silos/Satelite Dishes) would help a lot. (Granary is also just boxes and doesnt look like it.)

EDIT: Okay there are mountains. But I personaly don't like how they look and are placed. Mountains all around the place would be better. (Look at some official map's skyboxes for inspiration)
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L1: Registered
Sep 12, 2014
Thanks for the input!

The mountains actually were ripped straight from Badlands. I still wasn't familiar with displacement, so I tried dropping them around in there. I was wanting to surround the map with them, but I felt that it'd take too much time considering it wasn't a serious map project to begin with.

But yeah, there's a lot of design errors and other problems with the map due to me not really aiming to design anything useful. Your input definitely helped with highlighting some of the bigger issues though, so I'll be referring back to this when making my first serious map.