
KotH Steelslate a1


L1: Registered
Aug 31, 2024
Wing2# submitted a new resource:

Steelslate - A steel mine, where all the steel mined went to the capture point

A koth map with 180* symmetry
Team Fortress 2 - Direct3D 9 - 64 Bit 1_21_2025 4_17_29 PM.png
Team Fortress 2 - Direct3D 9 - 64 Bit 1_21_2025 4_17_51 PM.png
Team Fortress 2 - Direct3D 9 - 64 Bit 1_21_2025 4_18_00 PM.png
Team Fortress 2 - Direct3D 9 - 64 Bit 1_21_2025 4_18_12 PM.png
Team Fortress 2 - Direct3D 9 - 64 Bit 1_21_2025 4_17_42 PM.png

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