Smooth wood floors - Great for offices and school gymnasiums!
Based on Timberghost's original cherry wood floor in Precipice and his 2010 Artpass Contest entry and modified from the original source files, here are seven, count 'em, seven additional colors of wood to choose from:
Install instructions: Just dump the "custom" folder into your /tf/materials/ folder.
Based on Timberghost's original cherry wood floor in Precipice and his 2010 Artpass Contest entry and modified from the original source files, here are seven, count 'em, seven additional colors of wood to choose from:
- Basic brown
- School gymnasium gold
- Dark reddish
- Tan like oak or maple I guess
- A grayish color that matches that wood paneling texture they secretly added in Halloween 2014 for some reason
- Medium brown like a "light brown" Crayola colored pencil
- Pale like clear-coat pine
Install instructions: Just dump the "custom" folder into your /tf/materials/ folder.