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Texture sky_milky_way 1.0


L1: Registered
May 31, 2020
sky_milky_way - STARZ!

This isn't my skybox, I simply converted this Kerbal Space Program skybox for the Source Engine.

To install drop the .vtf and .vmt files in the materials/skybox folder.

In Hammer:

These skyboxes are known under the names sky_milky_way_01 and sky_milky_way_02. The differences between the versions is the resolution. There is no recommended settings for light_environment, but as a baseline, 1 1 1 1 for brightness and 26 29 34 200 work.

  • sky_milky_way_01 -> 4096x4096
  • sky_milky_way_02 -> 2048x2048

This skybox is licenced under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.