Seeking Jumpstart Volunteers


L10: Glamorous Member
Jan 2, 2009
I really feel that 6-8 people playing on a server for 30-60 minutes will tend to bring in other players and get the server "up and running" at least until something kills it.

I'd like to see if I can get a few people to agree to give it a try for a week or so to see if it actually works the way I think it will. I'm pretty open as to time of day, and was thinking 10 pm GMT/2 pm Pacific would be a good time to try.

Anyone willing to give it a shot?

If so, what time is best for you?


Oct 25, 2007
im usually on after 6pm central after work. ill join as i really have nothing to do but screw around. count me in.


The Kwisatz Haderach
Dec 22, 2008
Depends on what I'm doing then and what day. But I understand operation population.


Grand Vizier
May 14, 2008
You could always create a steam group and make scheduled server start efforts :)
Like: "[date] [] [Starting time] [Event lenght]"

I would be interested if there is at least a little bit of organization and planning.


L13: Stunning Member
Feb 20, 2008
it depends...if the server is running a valve map you need a minimum of 4 people to kickstart it, if your running a custom it needs to be a recognizable custom and have 8 people minimum, regardless, im having difficulty finding any custom map games to play, so if you message me on steam there are good odds i can join, my steam name matches my forum name

and...if you want a group to base this off of, I have tf2 custom gamers, it has 20ish members, and a useful name...


L10: Glamorous Member
Jan 2, 2009
At present I was planning on giving it a go on my server or the tf2maps server, leaning of course towards my own(ip in sig). I'm currently calling it dustbowl and customs, with the theory that if we can start it up with dustbowl and the downloads are fast enough maybe the next custom in line won't kill the server. I need to double check that the redirect is working again...there was some trouble on gameday but it's supposed to be fixed. Currently I have some test versions of dustribute and confinement on there, as well as stovepipe and waste, and mechtroid's assault grounds. There's more on there, but those are the customs currently in the rotation.

If anyone from here participates and wants their map in the rotation, I'm happy to do it. If it works and we start acquiring some regulars I'd like to add the more complete maps from tf2maps people to help get their name out there.

If it works and we gain the ability to kickstart servers, then we could move from server to server to get them up and running? Maybe sell our services to people with dead servers? :)

I think a group is a great idea, but I didn't want to make one until I got a feel for the response. A group with 2 ppl might be sadder than a server with 2 ppl :)

Al, if your group is cool with being retasked as server starters that would be awesome. If not, making a separate server-starter group would be pretty cool as well.

I guess for now if anyone is interested they could add me as a friend on steam?