Declined Punishment Appeal - jixegix957

Forum System

Forum System
Jan 25, 2023

What is your type of punishment? Ban

What platform was the punishment on? Discord

What is your discord? jixegix

Who applied the punishment? no idea (the link doesn't show)

When were you punished? Jun 25, 2024

Why should we revoke it? Here's what happened today:

I saw a staff member sending very suggestive furry -basically- porn as a spray. When I asked them not to do that, they said "weird", and "in-game pin-up calendars are also suggestive", when I said something along the lines of "due to this type of public notice of someone's paraphilia usually being result of humiliation fetish, I won't be continuing this discussion." the staff member then muted me and called me weird. At the time, my only reading of this situation was I had assumed the spray rules wrongly.

Confused, I asked in #general whether suggestive sprays were allowed as the staff member implied. Then seemingly normal discussion about the topic ensued.

When another message implied an unique issue on the server relating to "even worse" spray content, I added to the discussion a message along the lines of: "Taboo fetishists commonly get aroused from the act of being publicly humiliated, which might be the reason for weird off-the-walls fetish sprays." I wrote this because I believed it would be useful context to drop to the conversation. (I have read about psychology, including paraphilias (outdated term that I avoided using) for a long time, and in my understanding this seems to still be the consensus on the subject)

Anyway, next thing I knew, I was timed out. Understandable, maybe sexuality isn't a good topic to discuss in general chat. I continued playing TF2 playtest and got banned permanently from both discord and TF2.

"Why should we revoke it?"

This is hard to answer, because I honestly do not know why I got muted or banned in the first place.
Here are some rules that are relevant to the situation:

3/5: I am not sexist and I do not discriminate based on sexual desires. In my messages, there was no intent of discrimination or otherwise harmful comments.

8/14/15: I don't think I was in any arguments today, except for for the push-back with the staff member before.

I can't assume this happened, but it is likely someone misread or misunderstood one my messages - as something very unacceptable worthy of a permanent ban. For example, I saw someone asking along the lines of "furries are fetish? isn't it common?" in discord. These type of holes in sex education can lead to all kinds of misunderstandings. Just to be clear: I do not know if a misunderstanding was the reason for this ban.

Anyway, if you haven't found this appeal convincing enough, please make sure to tell me what messages - and how you understood them as harmful/incorrect/rude/etc - resulted in this ban, so we can work together in finding a solution.


(no affiliation with adam1)
Jan 2, 2020
Hi jixegix,

Sorry for the late response. You weren't meant to be permanently banned; it was supposed to be a week.

You were banned for breaking rule 14, rule 9, and rule 3. It was also inappropriate to describe being a part of the furry fandom as a fetish and it is offensive to declare it as being a part of a humiliation fetish and equating it to loli. Ascribing fetishes to people you don't know is also very unwelcomed.

Your ban will be lifted 2nd July at approximately 17:00 UTC.