btw, if you have any of you points marked as Start Disabled: Yes, then they will be locked. make sure you don't have any of your points disabled at the start. I don't know if this may remedy the situation, but, if you add a CP in each team's base, set it initially disabled, and have those be the first and last points in your index order, then all points in between aught to be unlocked. moreso, you can set each of those points to require control of all the rest in order to be unlocked.
I'm just saying this because in my map, that's essentially how i handled it. I had 4 CP's, 2 initially owned by a team, red's being index 0, blue being index 3, set to start disabled. the middle two were indexes 2 and 3, weren't start disabled, and set to team: any. the master cp was set in the order 0 1 2 3. the previous required points to cap either middle point for both teams was set to the cp that was initially given to them.
so, say you want to have 5 capturable points on your map, create them in the order of Red middle1, middle 2, middle3, middle4, middle5, Blue ( 0,1 2 3 4,5 ). Set Red and Blue start disabled, place them off the visible area of the map so taht they cannot be captured. then using logic entities, once a team has captured all 5 middle points, they automatically gain control of the final point owned by the losing team. I'm fairly certain taht would work.