
PL PL_Logtory Final


L1: Registered
Aug 5, 2019
A4 changelog

all of these changes are based of player feedback from play tests

-removed a wall next to BLU spawn (Reason: was used by RED to spawncamp BLU team)

-removed the flank window near A/B point (Reason: can be too powerful on either side as a flank route for power classes (demo/soldier))

-moved/added some of the pickups

-changed 2nd BLU spawn to be faced right way

-removed posts to the "legs" near the cliff (Reason: to remove clutter and easier to move around, specifically while jumping)

-changed one of the house entrances next to point D (Reason: so that BLU has easier options to push LAST avoiding the tight long sight line)

-made several changes to LAST defense side (further testing required)

-fixed some clippings

-increased cap area of payload

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L1: Registered
Aug 5, 2019
A5 changelog
Most of the changes have been made from player feedback, some are made to bring the maps layout to the new "standart"

-reduced the size of the skybox (reason: to improve performance. Further changes are planned to improve the maps performance)

-fixed players getting stuck in spawn after the point is captured adn spawns are changed (now players get teleported to the next spawn)

-reworked BLU first spawn

-added a new highround route in point A building (reason: so BLU has a third way to push)

-made a few layout adjustments to point B area (reason: in correspondence to A4 version changes)

-reworked the building next to red first spawn / point C (reason: to bring it to the current maps standarts)

-made a few layout adjustments to the area between point C and point D

-fully reworked lasts RED building (reason: from previous playtests, the buildings layout was too confusing and one sided. these changes are targeted to simplify the layout)

Known issues:




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L1: Registered
Aug 5, 2019
A6 changelog:
-made changes to improve the performance (fixing skybox border).
More changes to the optimization of the map are still in the works and planned to be made in future versions.

-reworked BLU start spawn.
-removed clutter and increased the size of Point A indoor building. (So there is more space to move around)
-Point C and Last have been moved a bit back, reducing the distance needing to cap.
-Added a high ground at Point C, so that BLU can have an easier time to push.
-Added more cover/paths in Point D area. (To make it easier to defend, since in previous playtests it was hard to defend for RED)
-Increased the size of Last and removed clutter.
-Reworked RED Last spawn room.

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L1: Registered
Aug 5, 2019
rerelease fix - fixed lighting and some clipping

-made changes to improve the performance (fixing skybox border).
More changes to the optimization of the map are still in the works and planned to be made in future versions.

-reworked BLU start spawn.
-removed clutter and increased the size of Point A indoor building. (So there is more space to move around)
-Point C and Last have been moved a bit back, reducing the distance needing to cap.
-Added a high ground at Point C, so that BLU can have an easier time to push.
-Added more cover/paths in Point D area. (To make it easier to defend, since in previous playtests it was hard to defend for RED)
-Increased the size of Last and removed clutter.
-Reworked RED Last spawn room.

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L1: Registered
Aug 5, 2019
A8 changelog

-reworked skybox (no more boxed skybox)
-certain parts of the map in certain positions now don't load (map loads in parts) (this still isn't perfect)

There will be more optimization improvements in the future versions.

Layout changes
-reworked Point B area (payload no longer goes under the bridge, but instead up the new ramp)
(this change reduces the distance needed to push the payload from Point A to B)
-pushed point B and point C a bit forward (because of the previous change)
-reworked area between Point C and Point D (there is a new path over the previous cliff)
-other miner changes to the layout

Gameplay changes
-reduced added time on cap from 4 mins to 3 mins
(since certain points are now closer and following feedback that rounds are too long)

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L1: Registered
Aug 5, 2019
A9 changelog:

pl_logtory has been reduced from 5 points to 4 points, in order to reduce the size of the map and time spent on it.

-point D area has been reworked into new last
-point C moved forward
-RED spawn change on cap has been changed (BLU stays mostly the same)
-made several layout adjustments to the area between point A and point B

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L1: Registered
Aug 5, 2019
★LazyBugbear★ updated PL_Logtory_A15 with a new update entry:

A16 Changelog

This was originally planned to be the beginning of pl_logtory beta (B1). But A15 had some issues that affected the playtest, so A16 contains these fixes and also some changes that were planned for B1.

Most changes made in this version are targeted towards helping Defense.

Made layout changes to Point A (Was planned for B1)
Redesigned area between Point A and Point B (Was planned for B1)

Removed some routes/doors (Reduce complexity of the layout)
Added more ammo packs in accessible/visible...

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Katsu! :3

Veteran Cat
Jul 30, 2021
Oh wow, your artpass is looking really good so far! Keep it up man :)