Model Pile of bricks stacked on a wood pallet


L2: Junior Member
Jan 24, 2009
This should be relatively simple (Gotta make this short I'm afraid).

I'd like to request a model of bricks that could fit on top of Valve's wood pallet model. You may use the dark-red brick wall textures as a reference for this request.

And if possible, I'd also like to request the same brick pile model but with a blue tarp to cover right over them (and maybe even a red skin for the exact same tarp for possible use in maps with rainy/snowy weather).

EDIT: Unable to give an exact reference atm, but they're commonly found in construction yards used for building material. The tarps keep the bricks from sustaining water damage from rain & snow.
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L6: Sharp Member
Jan 9, 2009
this should be possible with brushes right? use texture-lock and save them as a prefab, if i'm right. :)


L10: Glamorous Member
Jan 26, 2009
How to do it yourself:
  1. make a wall out of brick texture
  2. cut it up using the clip tool, into individual bricks
  3. tie each brick seperately to a func_detail
  4. turn them all into func_physbox, applying a mass of oh, say, 10
  5. With texture locking :)texlock:) enabled, arrange them into a general stack above your pallet
  6. add an env_shake with a reasonable magnitude, and name it
  7. run the map, and manually trigger the env_shake
  8. do a hammer_update
  9. exit the game, and group the bricks together
  10. use propper to turn them into a prop (optional)
  11. either use displacements or a willing modeller to make a tarp
  12. ???
  13. profit
Sep 12, 2008
How to do it yourself:
  1. make a wall out of brick texture
  2. cut it up using the clip tool, into individual bricks
  3. tie each brick seperately to a func_detail
  4. turn them all into func_physbox, applying a mass of oh, say, 10
  5. With texture locking :)texlock:) enabled, arrange them into a general stack above your pallet
  6. add an env_shake with a reasonable magnitude, and name it
  7. run the map, and manually trigger the env_shake
  8. do a hammer_update
  9. exit the game, and group the bricks together
  10. use propper to turn them into a prop (optional)
  11. either use displacements or a willing modeller to make a tarp
  12. ???
  13. profit

Don't you mean env_explosion instead of env_shake? Env_shake only shakes the screen afaik...


L8: Fancy Shmancy Member
Aug 2, 2009


L2: Junior Member
Jan 24, 2009
Thanks for the tips, guys. I'll be sure to try this out soon.


L6: Sharp Member
Jun 8, 2009
I believe this could be made by brushes... but anyway i will give a shot..:p


L2: Junior Member
Jan 24, 2009
Thinking of adding another request for the tarp part of the general request.

If possible, can I get an alternate tarp model with an animation sequence? The animation should make the tarp gently rustle in the wind while tied down, but seeing how I don't have the exact scale for the tarp's size for covering the bricks, I'll need to spend a bit more time in Hammer before I have a reasonable size for the tarp.

I might also need to make a seperate thread for requesting an ambient_generic soundfile of a flag gently flapping in the wind for the animated tarp for some added immersion.
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L10: Glamorous Member
Jan 26, 2009
Don't you mean env_explosion instead of env_shake? Env_shake only shakes the screen afaik...

In my experience env_shake can, and does cause physics objects to rattle. Aside from using it in my own map, you can tell it when the helicopter flies over ahead near the beginning of episode 2. Despite there being nothing more than an env_shake, thing fall off shelves and wires move about. Anyway, I'm sure a modeller could get the tarp working pretty easily, all they would need to do is put in a cloth, attach 2 corners and apply wind (assuming they have something from autodesk, or at least with physics). Which direction should the wind be coming from?


L2: Junior Member
Jan 24, 2009
Something came up.

While following Tapp's instructions on making the brick piles a prop, I tried using Propper to make it happen. Unfortunately, Hammer wouldn't spawn any of the entities that were included in Propper. I downloaded the newest version of it, installed it like the instructions had asked me to do, but to no avail, Hammer couldn't display any entities related to Propper. So I'm wondering if anyone has a working copy of Propper.fgd file and maybe the vmfs that were included in some of the older versions of it.

EDIT: I somehow got the entities to work and Propper works fine now. I'll upload the results of my prop soon.
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