
PASS Park b27

Yo Yo Bobby Joe

L1: Registered
Nov 9, 2021
Yo Yo Bobby Joe submitted a new resource:

Park - Looming brick walls encase this tiny haven of nature in an inner city park. Also, there's a UFO.

Park is a map originally created by the illustrious Kibble Bites. After his unfortunate retirement, the Kibble Hartwell Bites Conservancy was entrusted with his PASS Time maps. I have since taken over the work on PASS Park.

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Yo Yo Bobby Joe

L1: Registered
Nov 9, 2021
Yo Yo Bobby Joe updated Park with a new update entry:

My First Contributions!

The b20 version of the map was the last version by Kibble Bites; the only things that were changed from his edits in that version were some textures that were missing.

This update is some more fixes to prepare the map for actual gameplay changes. Things like some fancy cubemapping, but also basic brush repair where obvious holes and non-symmetry were present.

The beautiful skybox comes from the wonderful Frontline! Pack.

In hindsight, I missed a lot of...

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Yo Yo Bobby Joe

L1: Registered
Nov 9, 2021
Yo Yo Bobby Joe updated Park with a new update entry:


This update marks the first actual gameplay change to the map since inheriting it. The goals were made significantly taller. I'm writing this from b26 and jury's still out on whether it was a good idea.

I can't remember everything I changed in this update, but one thing I do know is I added Stiffy360's lovely aspen tree models to replace the default dead trees. The map...

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Yo Yo Bobby Joe

L1: Registered
Nov 9, 2021
Yo Yo Bobby Joe updated Park with a new update entry:


This version marks the first gameplay change I have made since inheriting the map. The goals are now significantly taller. As of b26, when I'm writing this, the jury is still out on whether this was a good change.

Can't remember everything I did in this update, but one thing I can remember is adding Stiffy360's lovely Aspen Trees to replace the existing dead trees that...

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Yo Yo Bobby Joe

L1: Registered
Nov 9, 2021
Yo Yo Bobby Joe updated Park with a new update entry:

I can see! I can FIGHT!

This update was the lighting overhaul update. The most consistent feedback I heard before this was that many areas especially around the goal were too dark, and player readability was challenging. So, I gave the alien ship some bar lights and gave the wooden "structures" some street lamps to improve lighting.

This update also (finally!) adds water to the sewers on mid. The lovely flowing water texture comes from HappyHead's...

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Yo Yo Bobby Joe

L1: Registered
Nov 9, 2021
Yo Yo Bobby Joe updated Park with a new update entry:


This update doesn't change much, but what it does change is major. It crunches mid. Feedback received was that medic was too OP with being able to teleport up to mid and pretty much score from up there thanks to his longer throw, so mid has been squeezed to be shorter and more variable in elevation. The alien ships' color has been changed from green to yellow, because it just works better.

I think I also edited some cubemaps? I don't remember, this was a while ago.

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Yo Yo Bobby Joe

L1: Registered
Nov 9, 2021
Yo Yo Bobby Joe updated Park with a new update entry:

Ooh, Pretty!

This update mainly concerns itself with some beautification. The spawn rooms are decorated now, red being themed around landscaping and groundskeepers, and blu around cleaning and custodians. Some more props have also been added to the main play area, although nothing too massive to change gameplay.

The gazebo cliffs have also been displaced! The cliff edges are bumpier and less static while still being clipped appropriately for gameplay. More moss has appeared.
We're finally at the...

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Yo Yo Bobby Joe

L1: Registered
Nov 9, 2021
Yo Yo Bobby Joe updated Park with a new update entry:

Quantum Mechanics Or Something

This is the biggest Park update by far! Learned quite a bit between the last update and this one. Here's a slightly better-written changelog:
  • Medic's spawn teleporters have been moved to under the gazebos. Any class can use them now. They teleport to the top of gazebo
  • When using the teleporter, Medic temporarily spawns a """"Quantum Bridge"""" between gazebo and mid.
  • Added speed boost vials to the leaf piles for Medic
  • Leaf piles are now slightly more Aesthetic™...

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Yo Yo Bobby Joe

L1: Registered
Nov 9, 2021
Yo Yo Bobby Joe updated Park with a new update entry:

Quantum Hotfixes

This is a hotfix for b26 based on feedback received from some lovely playtesters!
  • Removed the ability for other classes to use teleporters
  • Added bridge/teleporter cooldown to fix weird bridge behavior
  • Increased goal push trigger power to prevent standing on the goal
  • Made AC more solid
  • Fixed a little gap in the top of the goal
  • Moved a singular window frame into place
  • Lengthened stair clips to the ground

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Yo Yo Bobby Joe

L1: Registered
Nov 9, 2021
Yo Yo Bobby Joe updated Park with a new update entry:

Distortions in Spacetime

Oh boy! This update is made for people who don't like Park, so they can stop not liking Park! It makes the map slightly more in line with traditional 4pass maps. I mean, it's still Park, it still has a lot of its quirks, but it has been run through the ringer on this one. Here are the changes:
  • The main ground has been physically displaced
  • The map has been lengthened by 1024 hu
  • The glass ramps on mid have vis stripes now
  • Gazebos have been visually improved
  • Green roof...

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