One sided ctf map

The Scientist

L1: Registered
Mar 11, 2008
I want to make a map where the blue team starts with the flag and much progress through the map and get the flag all the way to the red base. So essentially like a attack/defend map but with a flag rather than control points.

Is there a way I can get 1 pointer in the middle of the HUD instead of two, so that for red it will always point at the flag and for blue it will point at the flag (if they don't have it) or point at their final destination (if they do have it).

Any help is appreciated!


L2: Junior Member
Jan 24, 2008
I don't think you can change it. In ctf_rugby I've seen that both pointers point to the intel. Not perfect, but works fine.


L8: Fancy Shmancy Member
Jan 4, 2008

The Scientist

L1: Registered
Mar 11, 2008
Thanks for the links guys. I've read most of those before, but I'm not too familiar with using new, innovative ways to create something new with old entities, so unless someone figures out how to do what I'm looking for and makes a tutorial, I probably won't be able to figure it out.

I guess if it's the only thing that works, having 2 indicators going towards the same flag will have to do... but does it point at the capture zone if you have the flag? Maybe if I hide a second flag in the capture zone somewhere, one of the indicators (red) will always point to the capture zone and the blue one will point to the actual flag. That could work... then both teams know where the flag is and where the capture point is.

UDPATE: I created my own version of the avanti style reference map linked about so there was only 1 flag, 1 capture point, and 1 spawn for each team and I think that should work. The only problem is that even with a scout, when you pick up the flag, you move SOOOO slow and theres no way to change it. Although I read in the message they sent to Valve that they asked for a way to change that so maybe by the time I'm ready to start testing they will hopefully have updated that little bit.
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