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ZI Murky Testbed 3.0.1

Diva Dan

Mar 20, 2016
Diva Dan submitted a new resource:

Murky Testbed - Murky Testbed

Testbed for Zombie Infection 3.0.0

-- General Changes
-- -- Removed "mp_respawnwavetime" from Infection convars, respawn wave time will now depend on map configuration
-- -- Changed team names to "Survivors" and "Zombies" (Instead of "RED" and "BLU")
-- -- -- Note: this change is only visible in casual mode or servers with mp_tournament set to 1
-- -- Survivor Spy can now disguise as a Zombie and will be seen as a Zombie by the enemy team (Thanks Sprinkles!)
-- -- -- Note: Disguised...

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Diva Dan

Mar 20, 2016
testing notes:
  • you still had to type autoteam to join a team (tf2maps plugin issue probably? but i know VSH doesnt have this issue on their servers)
  • if you go spy, disguise as a zombie, and die while disguised, you will keep that zombie custom model into your next life. this will persist into your next lives as zombies, or even when you respawn as a human the following round
  • respawn times were still disabled unintentionally