

Cake or Death?
Dec 20, 2007
post some screenshots =)
Feb 18, 2009
Will, do, probably get some on gameday today (sunday 19/April if looking back on it). I also have already started on a2 so that should be ready by next week.

*urgent note: please read*
I would just like everyone posting to know that a1 was completed to be playable by sunday, not perfect. I am aware of the lack of detail (signs + decals), the lack of visualisers for the "respawnroomvisualiser"s and of the small passage to the last cps.
Please post OTHER problems you have with the map.
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L3: Member
Jul 12, 2008
Hey, I played the map on gameday. I'll skip the whole spawn time thing since I'm sure you've heard enough of that :p . Just a few other notes though. You seem to have a func_respawnroomvisualizer setup in sort of weird places so that the other team couldn't get right next to your teams spawn room. Although this was probably intended to discourage spawn camping, it only made it easier (from the top level) as the other team then could fire down rockets and lob grenades in from above. Coming from the bottom level, it was just annoying. Also on the bottom level the Health and Ammo pack you have placed under the ramp is no where near easily accessible, move those away from the place where the two ramps meet a little.

Now a few words about the level design; This game mode can work, we've seen it work before in cp_grinder. Although Grinder was just a Gravelpit remix the point was proven that the CP's can be set up in that manner and still be fun. Your map has many of the basic flaws of a new mapper. Namely, long open areas that are dominated by snipers, and extremely long walk times to the CP. I heard you mention something about placing more props into the CP areas. This won't really solve any problems and in the end will just look sloppy. I'd fully suggest going back to the drawing board for some of the areas. Namely A and B. Another note about mapping in general; I've found that mapping in one large building as the setting only limits your possibilities for the map, as it's hard to stay in theme, isn't very visually exciting, and is just more of a hassle to make changes to. I'd strongly consider taking the areas outside if you can. Also, make the cap areas around the CP more square than long rectangles. This will allow you more design decisions without just tacking on "side-routes".

Hope all that helps! Don't give up, mapping never goes exactly right on the first few tries, it's good that you submitted the map to gameday to find out what does/doesn't work. I look forward to your next submission be it this map improved, or perhaps another! :thumbup:


L3: Member
Mar 21, 2009
i think you need to work on your floor to floor hieghts. your ramps are very steep and the ceiling heights in some areas dont need to be that high even if you take into account rocket/sticky jumps.

unless of course thats your design intent.
Feb 18, 2009
woo, got screenies! (finally)
In a3, there is a new cp B (*crowd woops*).
I would like to point put that the displacements are AWFUL in the sky box, they are just for demo purposes. I would appreciate it if this could go on a server plz.

PS, while playing, I need ideas for cp A...
Feb 18, 2009
Hmm, anyone who's played this will know that it has a big problem with ping:cursing:... Every time the map is loaded in the server, everyone's ping shoots up, especially this version. I was hoping someone may have an idea. It was mentioned that the map is being rendered again in the skybox, thus not creating vis, but when I ran through it on my own, vis was there, and no level geometry could be seen...?

Anyway, any ideas would be greatly appreciated, and if anyone could put it on another server, I would like to hear if the same trouble arises.
Feb 18, 2009
YAY!!! The new mirror industry is out NOW!!!

go get it here:

The pictures in this thread will be updated... I was just so exited I HAD to upload it!:wow:

new in this version:
1. layout. I can't explain... just play it
2. spawns. now, when the last point is under attack, you spawn behind it and the other team has your previous spawn (can be reverted by capping B)

missed this time:
1. signs. I want to see how it plays without them, so I can place them better
2. skybox. there is no 3d sky box so the grass appears to vanish... I am aware of it and should have it by the next version
3. rocket. Eventually I want the rocket beneath the final point to take off :p
4. Prop lighting. You will see some weird shadows in places. They will be fixed later on

Needs checking:
1. spawn system. I think it will work but I need to better consider point A.
2. ability to attack/hold points.
3. Layout. Might need some revisions in later versions (corridors etc)
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L2: Junior Member
Feb 14, 2009
once we capped everything but the last point, our respawn room got cut off by invisible walls... we couldn't get out. There were invisible walls all over the place. It wasn't really playable.
Apr 13, 2009
I 'm pretty sure it's just a respawnromm_visualiser that is set to the wrong team because though blu couldn't get out of it, red could get in the blu spawn...