Hey, I played the map on gameday. I'll skip the whole spawn time thing since I'm sure you've heard enough of that

. Just a few other notes though. You seem to have a func_respawnroomvisualizer setup in sort of weird places so that the other team couldn't get right next to your teams spawn room. Although this was probably intended to discourage spawn camping, it only made it easier (from the top level) as the other team then could fire down rockets and lob grenades in from above. Coming from the bottom level, it was just annoying. Also on the bottom level the Health and Ammo pack you have placed under the ramp is no where near easily accessible, move those away from the place where the two ramps meet a little.
Now a few words about the level design; This game mode can work, we've seen it work before in cp_grinder. Although Grinder was just a Gravelpit remix the point was proven that the CP's can be set up in that manner and still be fun. Your map has many of the basic flaws of a new mapper. Namely, long open areas that are dominated by snipers, and extremely long walk times to the CP. I heard you mention something about placing more props into the CP areas. This won't really solve any problems and in the end will just look sloppy. I'd fully suggest going back to the drawing board for some of the areas. Namely A and B. Another note about mapping in general; I've found that mapping in one large building as the setting only limits your possibilities for the map, as it's hard to stay in theme, isn't very visually exciting, and is just more of a hassle to make changes to. I'd strongly consider taking the areas outside if you can. Also, make the cap areas around the CP more square than long rectangles. This will allow you more design decisions without just tacking on "side-routes".
Hope all that helps! Don't give up, mapping never goes exactly right on the first few tries, it's good that you submitted the map to gameday to find out what does/doesn't work. I look forward to your next submission be it this map improved, or perhaps another! :thumbup: