
PLR Mead a1a

Oct 15, 2018
Huwareyou submitted a new resource:

mead - A single stage alpine payload race map

Both Red and Blu believed they had struck an incredible deal when they each purchased an old mead brewery on opposite sides of an alpine gorge. However, it quickly became apparent that both teams had the same plan, so the two rival teams have hatched an attempt to put a stop to each others' business ventures - for good!

Making extensive use of rollback zones and with a general open layout, this map is designed to create a unique gameplay mix of open and closed gameplay spaces.

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Oct 15, 2018
Huwareyou updated Mead with a new update entry:


a1a update:

- Changed setup time to 20 seconds, down from 45.
- Changed respawn wave times to 6 down from 8.
These two changes should result in quicker starting games with less waiting around, as well as less huge teamwipes that led one team to completely roll in testing so far.
- Fixed broken announcer voicelines.
- Fixed some mismatched logic.
- Resized doorways around the map to improve player experience.
- Removed the wooden prop stairs leading down to the mid and blocked off the route...

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