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Koth_cluster_truck 1.0

Fenish Fash

L1: Registered
Dec 17, 2021
Koth_cluster_truck - my first map ever for a 72 Hour Jam

I have never used Hammer before the past two days. I saw the charity event and said "sure why not." I'm not happy with where it is but due to the time constraints of the jam and external obligations I have to leave it is where it is now.

Thanks, UEAKCrash for the great Mapping Tutorials if it was not for your clear videos I would not have had the time to decipher Hammer. and thanks also to A Boojum Snark's Team Fortress 2 Mapping Resource Pack.

On to the actual description: It is a Koth map with a gimmick with trucks. Collecting ammo kits on your team's side of the map will "destroy" certain trucks on the opposing team's side. collecting health kits will "repair" your own trucks. this map is not pretty or balanced as I do not have the skills to make one yet

jumping into this event has given me an appreciation for what mappers do for the game.