KOTH Epiphany

Aug 30, 2015
In the spring, following a burst of creative energy, I found myself in a position that I had never been in before: in possession of a beta-ready custom map of my own creation: Koth Epiphany. Being a self-sufficient creative and not wishing to talk to other people, I resolved to detail the map myself.

I charged into battle, hoping to finish the task quickly. As I continued my work, however, a difficult reality took shape: I was not skilled enough as a designer to detail the map to my standards. Faced with the prospect of putting my name on something I wasn’t happy with, the creative spark that had propelled me through five rounds of iteration died out. I thought that if I gave it some space, I might find the energy to return and finish the map.

Alas. It is now almost Fall and I have quite moved on to other things. Suffice it to say I need someone to come and help me finish this.


Epiphany_ODR.zip contains three different versions of the map: my working file while it was in development, that same file with all the instances collapsed, and the a5b version - the latest version before I started detailing. I give you my blessing to complete my version of the detail, a completely different themed detail, or to continue working on the layout in alpha, so long as it gets done <3

Custom assets: Ravidge - Things Recolored Pack, a truck model from a vehicle pack that I can't find right now


  • Epiphany_ODR.zip
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