Kingred - Dedicated to KingRedHead, a friend of mine who passed away not too long ago
I dedicate this map to my friend, a man named KingRedHead (online) who passed away in 2015 from Leukemia.
He would always come by on my plot on this one Minecraft server (now closed) which he was a moderator on and see what I had built. Our freindship may seem lame to some people, but it truly was something special. I strongly support this organization and others which help people with Leukemia and other cancers out.
A 2-CP Attack/Defense map, with a construction-based theme (WIP, will be developed later on)
I dedicate this map to my friend, a man named KingRedHead (online) who passed away in 2015 from Leukemia.
He would always come by on my plot on this one Minecraft server (now closed) which he was a moderator on and see what I had built. Our freindship may seem lame to some people, but it truly was something special. I strongly support this organization and others which help people with Leukemia and other cancers out.
A 2-CP Attack/Defense map, with a construction-based theme (WIP, will be developed later on)