Keeper of the Divine Fist of the North Sandvich - Drawing (72hr Jam 2020)

Keeper of the Divine Fist of the North Sandvich - Drawing (72hr Jam 2020) 2020-09-05

ʙsi | egn

L1: Registered
Jul 8, 2017
Keeper of the Divine Fist of the North Sandvich - Drawing (72hr Jam 2020) - Decided to draw Team Fortress 2's Heavy wearing Kenshiro's battle suit from Hokuto no Ken.

For this year's 72hr Jam, decided to stick with another anime drawing and drew TF2's Heavy wearing Kenshiro's battle suit. Recently go into Fist of the North Star and pinged all of its 152 episodes in its entirety during quarantine. Suddenly, I got the idea of mashing these two characters together to see what would happen. As for the references I used, I pretty much just googled 'kenshiro' and 'heavy tf2' and just used whatever random images I saw as fit. None in particular.

"A-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-hwata! You are already dead."?
More like:
"Nom-nom-nom-nom-nom-om-nom! You are dead! Not big surprise!"

My account:
Credit shall also be given to my good friend, who gave me an obscene amount of ideas, words of encouragement, and tips on this drawing. It would be nice if he could get a medal, too, as a co-contributor :)
Friend's account: