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KotH Kargo Vone A3?

Punn Ames Ardum

L1: Registered
Jan 16, 2021
Kargo Vone - The mercenaries duke it out for space to put down kargo (on my first map no less!)

- I want to first and foremost want to credit everyone whom worked on the Frontline, Construction, and London Packs for the few models and textures that I used to spruce it up.

A fought over zone to place down the oh-so contested gravel, it's down to the mercenaries to take control of the zone so the gray gold has a place to stay.

My first "real" map for TF2; I'm not really planning to touch it any longer after this upload (due to one side being off by 1 HU, yada yada). This dropping of the map is mainly so I can move on to others, rather than having hammer leave a bad taste in my mouth, so if you enjoy the scrap that I put together, please tell me! Also tell me what I messed up, I need to learn after all.
(also also, please tell me if the .nav got packed with the .bsp, I messed with that and I don't want it to go to waste)

Thanks, Punn Ames Ardum