Ice Base

KotH Ice Base A3 - Super Science Stuff

Jan 29, 2016
Gismo Gaming updated Ice Base with a new update entry:

Alpha 2 - Icy Changes

Modified game logic to be a proper 2koth map, where owning both points reduces the timer appropriately. Note, there are bugs in terms of when a winner is called but I call it good enough for testing.
Jump pad cool down reduced to 1.5 seconds (was 3 seconds)
The large health and medium ammo heading to point B were removed and replaced with medium health and ammo in a new alcove further
Moved the medium health and ammo at the top of the spiral to be together and have a...

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Jan 29, 2016
Gismo Gaming updated Ice Base with a new update entry:

A3 - Super Science Stuff

Changed the point layout for the bottom point (Point B) to be more in line with the theme that I am aiming for.
Did a complete rework to the top point (Point A) to better use the space and offer better gameplay.

Fixed (hopefully) the issue with the round-winning situations.
Before the game was listening only for the "1 second remaining" output from the koth timers (used for, among a lot of reasons, to prevent constant overtime). Since timers could skip a second...

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