Highlander Team Recruit

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L1: Registered
Mar 12, 2011
Hello players of TF2!
I want to start a competitive highlander team for public players who want to improve their skills and develop teamwork. The only requirement I have is that I get to play with you for a while and judge your skills. I'm not looking for anyone who sucks or is a pro because I am new to competitive play (and by that I mean non-public servers).

For those of you who don't know, Highlander is a mode where each of the teams is allowed 9 players, but is restricted to playing only 1 of every class (1 scout, 1 soldier, etc.). Personally this mode is the only sensible way to play the game (besides 6v6 pro) because of how all of the classes are useful and all of their abilities are fully fleshed out BUT there isn't a massive cluster fuck like the majority of 16v16 public servers.

As a little background of myself I have been playing TF2 for about 2 years now and have developed my prowess at almost every class to a level that I consider to be a bit above intermediate. I map a little (see cp_risingsun) but most of that hasn't turned out amazingly well. My main goal for this team is to elevate my skills even further but more importantly PLAY THE GAME HOW IT IS SUPPOSED TO BE PLAYED, in concentrated groups of players who don't just spam or play on instant respawn servers.

Post on this thread instead of my steam profile (which I don't check that often) if you are interested in joining. I AM LOOKING FOR ABOUT 12-15 PLAYERS (which includes 3-6 backups) FOR THE TEAM. No one besides myself is guaranteed a secured spot, so it is first come first serve. :rolleyes:


L4: Comfortable Member
Oct 14, 2009
So besides not utterly sucking, what would we need to join? I'm up for it (the highlander thing) although I don't know why you'd consider 16v16 part of TF2.


Ancient Pyro Main
Aug 11, 2008
I'm already on a HL team, but to all people: Highlander is pretty fun.

You doing it for CommFT?


L1: Registered
Mar 12, 2011
NA... duh.

I am confused. Please explain.

So besides not utterly sucking, what would we need to join? I'm up for it (the highlander thing) although I don't know why you'd consider 16v16 part of TF2.

Well what class do you specialize in?

I'm already on a HL team, but to all people: Highlander is pretty fun.
You doing it for CommFT?

I don't really know what commFT is? Is it like a tournament?


L5: Dapper Member
Feb 25, 2011
Commfort=Community Fortress

It's a site that covers comp TF2 and is currently holding a 9s tournament, there's also UGC if you want to play 9s. Check out commfort if you're looking for a team or players, a lot of people that are starting out look there.

Link: http://communityfortress.com/


L9: Fashionable Member
Feb 27, 2012
I'll stay as a Demoman. Just a worry, you might get really high pings from me, but very few lag (maybe).
Anyway, also viable as Medic, Engie, Spy or Pyro.
Steam Profile:


L1: Registered
Jan 11, 2013
Steam Name: 420CanadianCannabis..

Community URL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/420Brutha/

Past Experience: I've owned this game for 4 years or more and I've never gotten around to playing competitively, But now I feel like it would be a fun opportunity to go on vent with some dudes and play some competitive serious gaming!

My Position: I would say my best class is sniper and I hope to be able to pick off dudes on the other team and jarate em and slash em up.

Send me a message on steam if interested, I'll pretty much always be on.
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