Ah ok i understand what you are saying about the activator, but I was unable to get it to work with all players. Another option would be to show the text always near the top, I have read some posts on here and read that it's possible but I was unable to get that to work also, i think the example i was looking at was koth_corperate, which is if i'm not mistaken your map (looks great). So what function did you use to get the text to display x seconds apart?
I will try the all team function, but i'm not sure that will work, if the flag is the activator, will the "all players" fire to the "flag players" (if that makes sense to anyone) rather than the game players?
Thank you so much,
Ok so apparently i'm an idiot, because I must have simply not tried the broadcast to all users when i was using a logic gate to trigger events because that worked perfectly, although I would be interested on any ideas regarding indivual displaying of text, i was thinking a moving trigger zone, but that seems messy.