HELP! Map teleports randomly stop working recently


L2: Junior Member
Oct 1, 2012
This only started happening within the last few months, ive never ever had this issue before but..
I run a idle/trade server and maps ive been running for YEARS (that I made) randomly have the teleports all stop working. Noone gets teleported. Rockets from sentries will just fly in the air.

I LITERALLY just restarted the server yesterday and its already happening again today. The server even crashed at 5 am today and restarted automatically, and its 5pm now and its already doing it again..not sure when it started as I was not home. Again these maps have been up for YEARS and gone like a week without restarting at one point, with 0 issues. This is the first time in my 11 years running my server, that this is happening. Does anyone have any freaking idea why? Is ent data limits being hit or something? Why is this suddenly an issue when it never was before? Wtf did valve do this time?
Like they keep throwing out updates that break community servers more and more but I am truly at a loss as to why this is happening and worried because I cant constantly be restarting my server every 8 hours..|

I am really desperate on how to fix this because its affecting people coming to my server because people come and its constantly broken. What can I do to fix this?