First CP Map, Lots of Questions/Problems.


L4: Comfortable Member
Feb 17, 2008
I've asked mapmaker and the Steam community and have found no help, so I came here as a last resort. I've been experiencing problems all day.

I have a couple problems I can't get past and have fustrated me. The first was that my weapons reflections and the window gibs and shells would turn out purplish, and adding a env_cubemap (default settings) changed that but made the windows (glass) purple and so the control points.

If I type mat_specular 0, it will all go normal and was wondering if there was anyway to have mat_specular 0 set on map. My second problem is that it is a CP map and that the third and last control point, when stepped on, makes the game crash immediately.

These are photos of what it looks like before and after mat_specular 0.

My third and foremost problem is after capturing the first point, the game is automatically won, how do I make it so you must capture the other points also. I have found no tutorials on how to add multiple spawn points..

Any help is welcome,
Sorry for the novel, Juice.


L5: Dapper Member
Jan 6, 2008
First off for the premature win. The win is determined by the group index of your points. Essentially they should all have the same number, i use 0 by default. The way it works is once a team caps a point, the computer checks to see if all the points in that group index have been captured. If they have the round ends.

As to the purple i confess I cannot answer that. I would suggest taking your compile log and posting it here, the more experienced people will be able to spot a problem right away. My first suggestion would be to check for any leaks on your map. You probably already know how to this but if not (copy and paste from another post):

"First off I would make sure there are no leaks in your map. When you compile a map in that big read out it prints it will say LEAKED if your level isnt completely enclosed.

A easy way to check for leaks is to do a quick compile. Click Run Map..., set Run Vis and Run Rad to No and tell it not to start the game after compiling. Then after it is finished go into Map and Load Pointfile. If there is a leak itll ask you if you want to load default pointfile, say yes. If there is no leak then itll take you to an Open browser and ask you to find the right file. If that occurs just cancel out of htat window because you are leak free.

If there is a leak youll find a bright red line in your map that will lead you to a place where your brushes arent entirely enclosing the map. Also be aware that you cannot have entities outside the map, like sticking through the floor, and they also do not close off a map either."


L4: Comfortable Member
Feb 17, 2008
Alright, I will try the control point method in a minute, as for leaks. If there were leaks, wouldn't me water be gone?


L5: Dapper Member
Jan 6, 2008
Yeah normally it should be, but then again its also supposed to mess with your sky and i know that sometimes thats not the case.


L7: Fancy Member
Dec 3, 2007
The purple might come from not having cubemaps built. Cubemaps are the collection of images Source uses for reflections. These are built while in the map, not while compiling.

Well, technically the default cubemap is built during compiling, but only if you're using the tc_hydro sky. Any other sky will make it so their's no default cubemap going into the level, thus the purple color. But this can be fixed no matter what sky you're using.

This page of the official Valve Developer community explains cubemaps a little more. And it gives you a string of commands to use in order to build them in your map.


L4: Comfortable Member
Feb 17, 2008
Alright, instead of making another thread, i'll ask my questions here.
1. Is it possible to have a sound(custom) play after the last point is captured? I've been messing around with triggers and can't get it to work..

2. Also, a way of keeping the other team from opening the opposing teams spawn doors?

3. How can I make it so overlays cover the players screen, such as in yaarrrghh with Luigi.
Last edited:


L5: Dapper Member
Jan 6, 2008
2. Yes, you need to create a filter_activator_tfteam for each team. Then simply go into the door's properties and place the correct filter in the filter variable.


L4: Comfortable Member
Feb 17, 2008
4. Since i'm making a D-Day type map, the anchors/spikes on the beach, would I make those with the block tool? Or would they have to be modeled.


Dec 5, 2007
If they are those big cross shaped things to stop ships landing, then brushes are fine, if not then its best to model it.


L5: Dapper Member
Jan 6, 2008
Yeah i believe hes referring to the big steel X's made outta railroad ties. Yeah i would just make those outta blocks, but once theyre set youre gonna want them to be func_details.


L4: Comfortable Member
Feb 17, 2008
5. How would I get it so after capturing a spawn point, the spawn would now be located somewhere else? I've seen this ona couple of maps.


L4: Comfortable Member
Feb 17, 2008
Okay, i'm trashing this map. It's not going to turn out good at all. Thanks for all the help, i'm sure i'll use it later..


L2: Junior Member
Jan 14, 2008
Hi Mate. Don't just trash the map, keep working on it use it as a learning tool. You don't have to release it but atleast you can learn how to do things right to stop the headaches from occuring again in your next one.

If you are serious about level design I would take a look at these links:


L1: Registered
Jan 5, 2008
Yes. You should have a env_cubemap everywhere that the surrounding scenery is going to be different.

Also a side note, it's best to have them placed at eye level of the player, instead of right up against the ground.

Also keep working on the map, just because you're not releasing it doesn't mean it has to be trashed!