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CTF ctf_twindustrial a3a


L1: Registered
Aug 10, 2022
TailsFiraga submitted a new resource:

ctf_twindustrial - A capture the flag map set amongst various warehouses

A simple Capture the Flag map with two warehouses. Wanted to have a mix of both open areas and closed-in spaces, inspired by maps like Landfall. On a cloudy afternoon, two teams of murderous mercenaries compete to capture the briefcase. Much like the other map I'm working on, this is just the basic geometry and some texture application to give an idea on how I want the map to look when it's done. Things such as lighting improvements and layout changes will come over time.

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L1: Registered
Aug 10, 2022
TailsFiraga updated ctf_twindustrial with a new update entry:

ctf_twindustrial a2 changes

Changes for the a2 version include the following:
- Improved lighting, things should be easier to see this time around.
- Condensed layout, many spaces that were a bit large and cumbersome to move around have been compacted.
- Changed intel location, now it's no longer right next to team spawn points (And it gives the large building near each spawn some use!)
- Changed midpoint, now features a top path for players to use and an overall simpler layout.
- Improved signage

These changes...

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L1: Registered
Aug 10, 2022
TailsFiraga updated ctf_twindustrial with a new update entry:

Twindustrial a3 release notes

The alpha 3 version of Twindustrial is here, sporting some new changes:
- Reworked layout:
-- The water in a1/a2 was too shallow to extinguish players, leading to confusion. The water is now deeper.
-- Redone main buildings, giving more opportunities for players to change floors and more hiding spots.
-- Reworked sightlines, now they should be slightly less ridiculous.
-- Central area is now a two-tiered area. Blast-jumping classes can still reach the tower at the top!
- Improved...

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