CTF Medieval Mayhem for TF2

CTF CTF Medieval Mayhem for TF2 1.0


L1: Registered
Nov 11, 2011
UniMatriX001 submitted a new resource:

CTF Medieval Mayhem for TF2 - Melee weapons only CTF with many secret passages.

The Objective:
To win a point, steal the enemy's flag and return it to your teams capture point.

The Story:
Medieval melee is the name of the game. The flags and capture points are in the throne rooms. There are four ways into the enemy's castle and five ways if you can lower the drawbridge. Capture the enemy's flag and take over their castle. Enjoy!

Hint: Two of the ways are through the moat, one catapult, and the wizard has another way.

The Creator:
UniMaTrix001 formally known as...

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