Crevice (CP)/(8CP)/(KOTH?)

CP Crevice (CP)/(8CP)/(KOTH?) 1.2.2

Padre Snowmizzle

L1: Registered
Aug 5, 2023
Padre Snowmizzle submitted a new resource:

Crevice (CP)/(8CP)/(KOTH?) - Will you take the fall, or stand on top to hold as many points as possible in the mining crevices?

Will you take the fall, or stand on top to hold as many points as possible in the mining crevices?

Rocks! Rocks as far as the eye can see... well, you're in a big hole, so you can only see so far away. Then if you fall into the canyons, that'll be even deeper. That means more rocks for you, maybe some Austrailium, to boot! Just get rid of those enemies and it's all yours...

Crevice is an 8CP map- woah, hold on. 5CP is bad enough, but 8CP!? Yes, but with a change to gameplay that should...

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Katsu! :3

Veteran Cat
Jul 30, 2021
what on earth kind of monstrosity are you designing

Padre Snowmizzle

L1: Registered
Aug 5, 2023
For you see, my monstrosities are magical.

In all seriousness, I worked on and finished this map about... a month ago? Maybe less? I've mostly been configuring my testing server to be a general public-use place, and only now have I started to upload my map backlog. I'm hoping this can resolve the unending nature of your average 5CP gamemode by splitting players into smaller groups and be spread across the map.