Create portal style cameras?


L3: Member
Nov 25, 2007
The title pretty much sums it up. Basically I want to do something similar in TF2, except I have portals that players can teleport through, and in games like quake and UT3 you can see through the portal kind of like its a TV screen. I assume its done with a brush tied to a camera (same effect pretty much as the game portal) but I am pretty sure portal's are custom coded.

So anyways, is anything like this remotely possible in TF2?

point_viewcontrol works for binding the clients vision to it, but I cant think of a way I could bind a texture or something to it.


L10: Glamorous Member
Feb 13, 2008
You could do it but it won't look like UT3, ut would look so much worse. And you can only have a brush camera at once.


L10: Glamorous Member
Feb 13, 2008
It won't look like a "portal" but you can create a simillar effect.

Make a camera like thosue ones you see in HL2, like this one:

Then put a teleport in front of the camera to teleport where the camera is aiming. And thats all.

But it will look really bad, not like a portal.


L10: Glamorous Member
Feb 13, 2008
no? They exist in CSS (I think so)


L11: Posh Member
Dec 16, 2008
this brings to mind the portal mod for garrysmod that was made prior to portal actually being released.

with portal the game, the dev commentry said something along the lines of the game actually rendering a small box around where the portals are, to allow for physics and stuff, such as being able to grab boxs on the other side of portals. that sorta means that portals tailor made for portals, and so you can't ever get the exact mechanic going in tf2 without rewriting the game.

that said, as i mentioned, there was a good mod that could simulate the portals. if you check on you should be able to find it.

hope that helps