Model Collision model for a prop.


L2: Junior Member
Jan 3, 2023

I have a request for someone who's better at modeling proper collision models than me.

This model is relatively simple, the real problem is that it's a model that you can walk inside (being a tram with the door open), I just don't really know how to model a collision model properly and actually get it to work.
Attached here is said prop's .blend file, with only the main model in there, so you can use it as the base.

If you need further information, just let me know in this thread or just private message me on here.

Many thanks to whoever (if anyone) takes it up.

Here are screenshots of it so you can see that the model itself is not super complex.

Screenshot 2024-06-12 170130.png
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L1: Registered
Apr 15, 2024
You can just copy your model and rename it to NamePhys. then make sure that its set to shade smooth, remove all materials and make sure there is no 2D geometry. After its done select it and clear all seams and sharps.

export it to smd and then reference it in the QC file
$collisionmodel "NamePhys.smd"

should be good to go, let me know if you need more help