Actually the Cubemaps are quite an advanced area. Sure it's a hell of a drag to make them for general use, but you can get some truly spectacular reflections with Sources Cubemap's. (Seeeing as you can change the size too.
Anyways, find that material name, open TF2 Materials.gcf (steam/steamapps) and browse to it.
(Might be like blend/groundgravel01 or something)
Open the .vmt, and you should get something like this:
"" "nature/dirtwall001a"
"" "nature/grassfloor002a"
(The Nature/blah was stolen from Hl2's)
Change your second texture ($BaseTexture2) to a new texture.
Do NOT use a blend for the second one, it causes problems. So use like dirt/dirt01
Save your new VMT to USERNAME/Team Fortress 2/tf2/materials/WHEREVERYOUGOTITINTHEGCF.
Any more questions and I can fix that. Or post the texture name, and when I get home i'll fix it up for you.
More on cubemaps is: They are placed how they are for the lights. Basically one places one in the center of a "Light" area, and in the center of your shadows. Thisway when you build cubemaps it reads the dark faces around it, and makes your gun reflect DARK and not LIGHT.