Change my vikings map to xmas theme (reward)


L1: Registered
Aug 28, 2013
So my friend came up with the idea to make xmas version of the ctf_vikings_final_v6. Basicly just make it wintery. I have the complete list on pastee: We have a deadline on 22.11.2013 so we can test the map and plan our vip system. We also hope that mapper can send pics of the progress?


L1: Registered
Oct 14, 2013
1. Freeze the water. We tought it would be just snow. Also water off from skybox
I can try
2. Ladders to the boat, so you can get up if you fell down. We hope they would face the skybox
You can´t have ladders in TF2, at least not ladder entites.
3. Boats + the fish must be deleted
4. Make it snow (if this is possible)
I don´t know yet but I will try
5. Skybox is night sky. Whole map turn to night We hope this:
No problem
6. Xmas decorations. Gift pile to spawn?
Hell yea
7. Those mast ropes as xmas lights
8. To towers and everywhere you want to put some light. It dosent need to be symmetric
Will look awesome
9. Xmas trees infront of the stage on the red and blue logo. Also some gifts around it?
No problem
10. Cover things with snow. Like the speaker box etc
Will try
11. Downstairs big boxes as gift wraps
Umm, okay
12. Xmas swag. Barrels as xmaas present etc
13. To the water we hope some snow piles
14. If its possible some icepicks to dragon heads pointing down.
Don´t know yet what you mean, I gotta take a look at the map.
15. Moving gift wraps so they dont break. Just put them anywhere you want :D
Will try
Make it as xmas/wintery as possible
That´s what this is about right?

I think I try to do this, you should add me on Steam though so I can show you the map sometimes and say what to change or what is alright.

I also need you to give me the map!
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The Kwisatz Haderach
Dec 22, 2008