KotH Cano

Mar 23, 2010
Haven't mapped in awhile. played tf2 too much. anyways this map features a BIG FUCKING HILL that might be made into a volcano. right now, i really don't like the way the point is, although it would be fun to play on i guess. only took ~7 hours and most of it was technical stuff.

idea of it was:
short route (low ground, no health, bad cover);
medium route (small health, good cover, medium ground);
long route (lots of cover, medium health, high ground)
right now, in a0, it may or may not have broken doors, undisplaced ugly hill, and no cubemaps. :) LOOK AT THAT REALISTIC LAVA!

expected/known problems:
annoying sightlines
hard to cap back
awkward to play around/under the "bridges"
also, spawncamping is an issue, gonna add a 2nd exit
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Mar 23, 2010
been getting some great playtests with bots actually.

adding cover on the bottom/around the hill
adding 2nd spawn exit
nerfing OP sentry spot on upper path
tweaking the places under the bridge so they are less awkward
some other stuff

gonna get into detailing hopefully soon. WOULD LIKE UNBAN FROM US SERVER PL0X
Mar 23, 2010


L13: Stunning Member
Sep 30, 2009
Do you mind not using a hud in screenshots please :) It gives us a better view :)
Mar 23, 2010
so blocky. Reminds me of minecraft.


no displacements still :O other changes though.......
Aug 10, 2009
Hrm looks interesting, and it inspires me to make a junkyard themed map with giant spotlights pointing to a massive pile of trash with a point in the middle and underground tunnels with a feel of rusting steel and storm lights.
Mar 23, 2010
i was actually thinking of detailing it like that :O
Mar 23, 2010
I was planning on giving up on this because it seemed impossible to detail, but i finished a new version.


Played this with bots (before i made a few minor changes), and it was somewhat fun. some of the routes and things.........it gets kind of overwhelming. I tested out nearly all the classes. heavy is quite annoying, and everything else seems pretty balanced.

The main areas which need work are the areas below/surrounding the volcano, I also need to add a 2nd spawn exit. seemed kinda hard to recap the point.

Was hoping to get this into gameday but just missed it. If we go to EU, then I could get this tested afterwards. only option seems to be EU gamedays.......

Pics in the OP. thinking about detailing it with both teams fighting over this volcano so they can get rid of their trash. sounds pretty dumb to me.

one thing i am concerned about is the fact that from spawn door -> point as scout takes about 6 seconds of walk time.......
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Sep 1, 2009
Well played it in gameday and had this to say
1. The spawn doors ...aren't even doors ...the entire frame just goes up with the door
2. the one door was easy camped as demistrated by me and Arnold
3.Random death pit was random and no one really ever went near it ever...
4. from the death pit the horrible bottom of the map could be seen
5.since when was lava a single shade of re

Fix thoses and it maybe an ok map to play on.
Mar 23, 2010
yes good spawn doors and a good lava texture make a map good. nah there was a lot of other problems, like the fact i need to make another spawn door, that have been fixed in a2, but i was too lazy to mirror the changes and get it out before gameday. a1 was a bunch of untested changes.

the middle route wasn't viable at all, and a bunch of areas need work. a2 should be out friday-ish hopefully.

edit: what did you guys think of the sniper-friendliness? i added a badlandsmid-like hoodoo think by the window to flank in a2. i had that originally in a0 but i couldn't find a place to put it in a1.
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semi-trained quasi-professional
Aug 8, 2010
This page was full of veterans and their posts, i ruined it. :D

In fairness, they were mostly Prestige.

I think it's a bit small and cramped, and it needs more spawn exits. The deathpits and the area around them get very little play, most of the people who fell into the deathpits just kind of wandered over and fell.

I dont know how to describe it, but the area around where i put a !FB tag for Z-fighting is quite a fun bit, i like that.
Mar 23, 2010
i think it might be too small too. if i can rocket jump nearly base to base and bonk base to enemy spawn in can pose a few problems (oh and charging across the hill is lolzy, but cheap :/). anyways, updated to a2.
pics/download coming.
added 2nd spawn exit and a slew of layout changes.