
PL Archfall a7


all in 2??? :D
Nov 25, 2022
AllInTw0 updated Archfall with a new update entry:

Alpha 2

  • Added stairs for easier access to A building's roof
  • Added a platform for easier access to A building
  • Moved a health pack near A-B transition closer to A in favor for blu on B and red defense on A
  • Removed a powerful flank for blu on B
  • Inverted Red's first spawn's upper exit
  • Added signs near reds first spawn to direct red players to A/B
  • Added another spawn exit at red's last spawn
  • Changed last objective rotation speed from 5 to 4
  • Fixed some spawn points not...

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all in 2??? :D
Nov 25, 2022
AllInTw0 updated Archfall with a new update entry:

Alpha 3

  • Rethought red's defense at A truss bridge
  • Replaced a route at B with a new one that helps red reach high ground easier
  • Added health and ammo pickups were the old route entrance was
  • Added a forward spawn for red to decrease walking time to C
  • Improved respawn logic and signage
  • Increased last capture point trigger height
  • Fixed red last spawn not having a respawn room brush
  • Other small improvements

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all in 2??? :D
Nov 25, 2022
AllInTw0 updated Archfall with a new update entry:

Alpha 4

  • Added new routes for blu at B and C
  • Changed red's respawnWaveTime on A from 9 to 8
  • improved movement around the stairs to truss bridge's high ground entrance
  • Improved movement around the angled stairs near the tracks at B
  • Improved movement around C's shaft head
  • Fixed a sightline from A building's roof to truss bridge's high ground entrance
  • Fixed the payload being able to recede on roll forward zones
  • Other small improvements
  • Visual Fixes
  • Clipping...

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all in 2??? :D
Nov 25, 2022
AllInTw0 updated Archfall with a new update entry:

Alpha 5

  • Improved last's layout
  • Improved last's capture point logic (Hud now switches from PL to CP)
  • Changed blu's respawnWaveTime on B from 3 to 2
  • Removed a route at B
  • Improved a sightline blocker from B's reds high ground to blu's flank route
  • Raised reds defense area near B point
  • Improved movement on top of train cars at B
  • Made the cart move half as fast on rollback zones
  • Some pickup changes
  • Clipping improvements
  • Various visual fixes

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all in 2??? :D
Nov 25, 2022
AllInTw0 updated Archfall with a new update entry:

Alpha 6

  • Added a new route for blu near A-B connector
  • Added a new exit route for blu in C-D connector
  • Added a new route for blu in C-D connector
  • Moved and existing route and added windows for blu in C-D connector
  • Added stairs for easier access to other routes in C-D connector
  • Moved back and redesigned red's last spawn
  • Changed last capture point's capture time from 14 to 10 seconds
  • Improved movement around ammo pickup at A blu's flank route
  • Improved movement around...

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L1: Registered
Apr 15, 2023
We had a pretty positive playtest of a6 last night. The general consensus was that the map had a lot of interesting flanks and generally flowed well. We're excited for further development! :)

On a personal note, I think Blue could get a little more time per point capped.


all in 2??? :D
Nov 25, 2022
Hey! Good to hear positive feedback and that people are playing the map! :D
What community are you from? Dose your server record STV demos? Would love to check it out!
Ill see what i can do with the time blu gets on each cap.

Thanks again for playing the map!


L1: Registered
Apr 15, 2023
We don't have STV demos (anymore, at least, it broke at some point).

I'm from, and we're generally happy to test out random maps with their map makers around. I decided just to check this one out early because I was a fan of Greenwood.

We actually played archfall again last night, and had much the same reaction. There are somewhat nebulous things that are bugging people, but people like it!


all in 2??? :D
Nov 25, 2022
AllInTw0 updated Archfall with a new update entry:

Alpha 7

  • Changed time added on capturing A from 240 to 270 seconds
  • Changed time added on capturing B from 240 to 270 seconds
  • Changed time added on capturing C from 240 to 270 seconds
  • Added a new route at C's blu flank
  • Made it easier to get unto the shack's roof near A-B connector
  • Improvements to A-B connector
  • Made it easier to walk onto a platform in B-C connector
  • Improved movement around C's blu flank
  • Widened a ramp at C
  • Added more cover to the tipper on last...

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