Surprised no one have done this before...
The flags sway with the wind. This is done by using $treesway, so you can leave them as prop_static and the animation would still work.
To install the model, put the team_flags folder into ...steamapps/common/Team Fortress 2/tf2/custom/.
The package...
this is c o l l e c t i o n of stock tf2 trees but with $treesway.
Model list:
Anyone knows that in Mercenary Park trees, some bushes, flowers are moving on it's own
I checked in-game with ent_dump !picker but the console said nothing
I checked in-hammer it said it's a prop_static, prop_static can't have animations right???
and then i check models .vmf
found these...
If this is your first time logging in after the migration (Feb 8, 2022), you must reset your password to log in. Follow this guide if you're having trouble