
  1. dabmasterars

    Team Flags (waving) V2

    Surprised no one have done this before... The flags sway with the wind. This is done by using $treesway, so you can leave them as prop_static and the animation would still work. To install the model, put the team_flags folder into ...steamapps/common/Team Fortress 2/tf2/custom/. The package...
  2. _theunknown

    props_treesway not final

    free to edit.
  3. ISPuddy

    Stock Trees with $treesway Pack 1

    this is c o l l e c t i o n of stock tf2 trees but with $treesway. Model list: models\props_treesway\farm\tree001.mdl models\props_treesway\foliage\tree_pine01.mdl models\props_treesway\foliage\tree_pine_extrasmall.mdl models\props_treesway\foliage\tree_pine_extrasmall_snow.mdl...
  4. ISPuddy

    $treeSway in TF2?

    Anyone knows that in Mercenary Park trees, some bushes, flowers are moving on it's own I checked in-game with ent_dump !picker but the console said nothing I checked in-hammer it said it's a prop_static, prop_static can't have animations right??? and then i check models .vmf found these...