
  1. Stiffy360

    Office Pack 1.1

    This pack contains office stuff for TF2 including models and textures. Includes 33 models and 27 materials. Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.. If you wish to submit this content in a workshop map with the intent of being accepted into TF2...
  2. Seacat08

    Floor_tile_007a recolours v1

    Ever wanted floor_tile_007a in black? How about blue? Red maybe? Well now you can! Includes: 17 tile textures Some blue some not so blue And that's about it. Credit is optional. I would love it. But if you already got 30 contributors credited already I'll just cut my loses and suck it up...
  3. B!scuit

    Arch Tiles A2

    2 sets of 4 320x320 (width x height) "Sewer" arches Each set contains: - 1 end cap (pipe / bars) - 1 straight - 1 90 degree corner - 1 T-Intersection The full-circle arches fit a payload cart snuggly in the center trench (tested, since I used this prefab for some early / unreleased...