team fortress 2 classic

  1. sniffy194

    4-Team 4koth_badlands (4-Team Badlands) b2

    This map converts koth_badlands into a 4-team map. It is based on the 4-team Arena port by JJFortJ (used with permission), albeit with many additional hours of work put in. As opposed to JJFortJ's version, the map's lighting and skybox were changed to a dark and stormy setting, and the water...
  2. MKNZ

    Sewer Rats a2

    A map designed for TF2C, where the neon annihilator doesn't exist, and therefore can't ruin it.
  3. The Fancy Fedora

    Mann Co. Weapon Testing 2017-08-05

    The Jam came at an awkward time because I'm on holiday right now :/ Here is the download on Steam: I think this is all i'm going to be able to upload for this Jam, which sucks because it was...