
  1. dabmasterars

    More Reflective Textures (cubemaps) V7

    A collection of default textures with added normal maps and specular maps, allowing them to support cubemap reflections. Since cubemaps are baked, the performance impact is minimal. To install the assets, move the folder "reflectivetextures" into ...steamapps/common/Team Fortress 2/tf2/custom/...

    2 Towers high 3.high

    A battle begun, in random desert in Poland. 2 Mexican companies where using the desert for their own good. But, they couldn't live in thogether harmony and 2 temporary bases towers where created for supplies, important files and vantege points. The teams start a war, of stealing everything from...
  3. Cyberen

    Reflective Ice Texture?

    So I know about func_reflective_glass and made a few mirrors. But I'm hoping to create a texture that acts just like reflectiveglass001.vmt (see below) but only halfway, the other half is white (or a whiteish streak texture, see attached). That will give it an icy surface look. What will also...