
  1. [SWE] PansaR

    72hr Jam 2024 A Mercenary Smissmas V1

    My brother and I made this Art in Gmod, it contains Christmas-themed Mercenaries in a Jolly surrounding. This is a downloadable jpg picture. The map that we used is called Christmas Workshop on the Steam Workshop...
  2. DJ dj

    Past 72hr Jam Entry my picture! 2022-07-23

    my picture~~~ steam : https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199104425180 custom : https://steamcommunity.com/id/DJdjsfmcool
  3. SlashArs

    Past 72hr Jam Entry Pootis bird 2022-07-22

    Я не художник. Я пытался нарисовать что-то красивое и классное.
  4. amasterfuljuice

    who is joe?!?!?!? (gone sus) 2021-12-18

    created another pictif in ms paint. was bored
  5. amasterfuljuice

    its between you and... him 2021-12-17

    I made it in ms paint. for the 72 hour jam I drew what ever came to my mind. https://twitter.com/Amasterfuljuice https://steamcommunity.com/id/amasterfuljuice/
  6. Lonely Author

    cp_sinker Preview

    These are some screenshots from a WIP map I call cp_sinker, enjoy!
  7. Бармен

    Pyspenser 2019-08-03

    Just a little Pyspenser
  8. DeathSpank

    Picture of Solider 2017-08-06

    My first picture (not good, but maybe not to bad)
  9. Chronic_Name_Changer

    Home-made hat

    This is a hat I made for the last 72 hour jam but failed to upload in time because I found out about the jam too late. I did make it in under three days however. The hat is roughly three feet tall and there is a soda can in the picture as a size comparison. My leg is down in the corner holding...
  10. Giraffe

    Past 72hr Jam Entry The Vivid Vest 2017-02-12

    Before I begin, I suck at art, i'm no good with design and i couldn't make a TF2 item if i tried, but... I do have a fair share of Ideas. Since our Engi has his nice little Hard Hat and Safety Goggles to protect him from Workplace incidents, Why not complete the Safe on the Job site set and give...
  11. Maestro

    Past 72hr Jam Entry Spycrab found alive! 11/02/2017

    Breaking news about the rediscovery of long believed extinged Spycrabs. Picture from: CNN's "Breaking News" 102 anniversary of Titanic's sinking. Font used: Gotham Edited with photoshop. I didn't thought of participating this jam because I was really busy these months, but I couldn't resist...
  12. Zeklyn

    Error texture when importing custom picture

    I am getting an error texture when I try to import a custom picture This is what i get: http://prntscr.com/bzwn37 This is what i try to get: http://prntscr.com/bzwo1z Is it any way to fix this? I've been searching around and i've found nothing I've tried putting the VTF file and VMF file in...
  13. Simulacron

    Adding small pictures to your signature?

    So I was working on my signature and was wondering if I could add pictures to it. I saw some people doing this, but I can't find an option to upload or link pictures. Is there some possibility to do so, or are there any restrictions in your signature if you aren't donator or veteran or something...
  14. Viggar

    Past 72hr Jam Entry Heavy's Sardines

    My 1st and probably only entry for the 72 hour summer jam
  15. Simulacron

    Upload pictures to tf2maps.net

    Is it possible to upload pictures directly to tf2maps.net (beside the map Download section), so I din't need an url to post a picture?
  16. Joshenkstone

