
  1. Ismaciodismorphus

    Gray Gravel HQ assets 7/24/2024

    Collection of Materials used on
  2. Dr. Snoop

    CTF_2BasePF A115b

    CTF 2Base is a "Pre-Fortress 2 Optimized" Neutral CTF map where you take the intelligence from the central base via the bridges or lower entrances and return it to your base's capture point. Neutral CTF: Take the Intelligence and return it to YOUR Base to Capture! TF2, PF2, TF2C, TF2V, Etc...
  3. pont

    Neutral Turbines v2

    more neutral-leaning variants of the turbine props. contents: - duplicate of powerhouse turbine with three textures - second version recompiled for use as a static prop place folder within into tf/custom. does not overwrite any files. see included readme.
  4. chemelia

    Tug of War Payload - Ynders Edition V2

    A simple 3-point tug-o-war payload prefab. The entity setup is based on Icarus's, but is less complex, with only 3 points, a cap of 3 on the text display, and no dynamic push speed changes.