
  1. Amicdict

    How does the game recognize snipers spots?

    I've been using the Jungle Inferno leak to try to gain more information on bots. So far this is the information I have gotten. However when it comes to sniper spots (areas that snipers prefer to snipe at), I'm confused on how the game recognizes sniper spots. In the Jungle Inferno leak...
  2. i_forget_names

    Bots stuck on One-Way Door (solved)

    Hello, I made a CTF map that includes a one way door, but the bots seem to get stuck on the wrong side of the one way door when picking its path. I could not find a thread on valve dev community about this. information: i have not created a navigation mesh myself, i used nav_generate in...
  3. John_Galt_1957

    Getting Bots to do Non-Standard GameModes or Tricking the Nav_Mesh or Navigation System

    Recently I have Been tormenting myself with getting bots to work on a map where they previously would not move. I was able to get bots to move to certain degrees of success with the Engineer, Sniper, Spy, and Medic (doesn't count because he follows his heal target when a nav is generated)...
  4. DrengUP™

    Bot Engineer instantly destroying their own sentry after placing it

    Hello. So, i'm making a simple KOTH map and i'm testing with bots. The bots works great... Except for the Engineers, they can only build a teleporter entrance and when they try to build a Sentry, they instantly destroys it and run to the point or to a ammo pack. I already used bot_hint...
  5. Potoroo84

    MVM help

    How can you make it so the bots go to a second capture point instead of going for the hatch? (Like in mannhattan) Also: Can you add more spawnpoints to the bots? (Instead of having only 1)