metal gear solid

  1. CassiePumpkins

    Sneeter Initial Release

    Features: a ladder You get serenaded on the ladder a KOTH point at the top of the ladder you can skip the ladder once someone climbs it Low-concept joke map for April Fools 2024 May return to and update, but no promises
  2. FragBait

    ctf_rex a1

    CTF /arena map vaguely themed after metal gear solid 1. Big thanks to Yrrzy for helping me with the CTF/Arena logic.
  3. Raito

    Shining Lights, Even in RED 2019-08-04

    Inspired by Mission 43 from Metal Gear Solid: The Phantom Pain. "Shining Lights, Even in RED", 2000x2000 pixels, Digital, just-raito.