
  1. Ponds34

    Priority Beta 2a

    Fight in an undisclosed space-station on the moon! The Station AI may try to kill you with lasers and the biologics incinerator, but just ignore them you'll be fine. Credits: Funicular - Art-pass and logic help Cincomma - Laser Textures The SFM Asset pack
  2. TheFluffycart

    ctf_thefluffycart_mc24_a1 a1a

    Part of the MC24 (Two WIshes) contest, this map was made in 16 hours in accordance to two requests made by a user. Below are all the requests, and the ones that were completed: A/D - X Has a train hazard - ✓ Must contain a certain prop (Check Image for list) - ✓ (Technically it's there) CTF - ✓...
  3. MatixPL [F2P]

    cp_laserpoint a2

    Map with 3 contol points like in Powerhouse, but a little more balanced.
  4. Pyrokaliptyk

    cpctf_lazor a13

    Ctf map with a twist.You can capture a control point to deactivate the lasers and make the stealing of the flag easier.