
  1. Francis_A2x

    why do my 3d skybox didnt appear on the instances?

    so this issue was happened since yesterday, i already remake a new 3d skybox in 0 0 0 position and also already put the whole map center in 0 0 0 position and then when i checked the instances to check my skybox it wont show up how the skybox looks like from the level and even theres no leak...
  2. Tiftid

    instance4 _v1

    I'm uploading this primarily to insure against it being lost forever by hard drive failure. This was a project I started (and finished) in mid 2023, but never uploaded. It was to be a set of modular func_instance pieces that you could drag and drop into your map to quickly assemble TF2-style...
  3. Cyberen

    target entity not found in func_instance (fixed!)

    Hello, have you recently experienced issues with your func_instances? Logic not working? Faulty triggers? Replace the VBSP.exe with this file! I originally created this thread because I was experiencing a problem, but a friend lent me his VBSP.exe file and it worked! So just replace it in your...
  4. Tiftid

    Gravelpit-style Shack Instance Kit V2

    These gravelpit shacks have been a perfect gameplay prop for me for the past 2 years. With a height of 256 and a sloped roof, they're something I can place next to a 128-tall surface with a guarantee that it'll act both as cover and something the players can crouch-jump onto. Plus, the shack...
  5. half

    Halfcircle MC4 A1

    standard arena map made for microcontest 4 uses diva dan's pine trees the smallness of it makes it less of an actual map and more of an instance test for me/something for the contest