
  1. Korkade

    Multi Stage Dustbowl Fixed & Improved TF2Classic Version v24

    this is a fixed version of dustbowl Major changes & improvements: changed the 3d skybox sun to a env_sun fixed visible holes/nodraw textures on higher elevations improved clipping around the map fixed weird lighting on props and displacements around the map added reflective floor tiles and...
  2. Korkade

    Multi Stage Dustbowl Fixed & Improved v11

    This is a fixed version of dustbowl How to download map from TF2Maps. Drag the .BSP file into this directory "SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Team Fortress 2\tf\maps" then you type "map cp_dustbowl_fix" into the console in game without the quotation marks to play it Major changes & improvements...
  3. FrostyHoneyJuicy

    Pass Time Prefab [IMPROVED+FIXES] V1

    Improved PASS Time Prefab with Fixes As much as I love PASS Time, have high & better expectations on it, I decided to create another Prefab for the Pass time due to several issues that the original prefab has. So please read every single thing that I wrote in this thread if you're about to...