The mercs made a mistake unearthing this long-abandoned shack.
This is a one-off map utilizing sudden death to create a TFBot-supported arena map. It's also one of the first maps I created, and so I finally dug it out of my map collection to bring it to the workshop. It is certainly a map, that...
In western days this land was used as a bury ground of the natives, as time passed the ground was forgotten and in 1940 a station was build as a stop to the nearest towns, years passed and left abandoned during a plague.
In late 70s red discovered the abandoned station and build a factory to...
Merasmus wants his castle back and you will help him. Get souls to give to the great Raku Roko (the totem pole) to rid the castle of the raccoons once and for all.
You can acquire souls by using some of the spells located around the map or even pumpkin bombs
Made for the...
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