
  1. Jameson

    70 Paint Brush Pack 2

    CC0 1.0 Universal Public Domain (You don't have to credit me) 70 brush alphas made by James Jameson I used blue acrylic paint, paper and a scanner. 600dpi 512x512 might look better Go make some cool stuff! You can now just install the ABR file into your relevant graphics software, which...
  2. FishTiger

    Walk Like an Egyptian 2018-07-30

    A Source Filmmaker (Hieroglyphs, base for Sniper pose) and a GIMP fusion poster for the 72 hour Summer Jam, 2018. The symbol in the middle is the sign of Egyptian goddess Neith, the goddess of war and hunting. It resembles a shield with arrows behind it.
  3. Werewolf

    Help creating a logo from a scanned image.

    I've asked this elsewhere on the internet, but I'm asking here as well because there are many people proficient with programs like and Gimp that I suspect someone might be able to help me. This isn't for any mapping project and is actually for the Ju-Jitsu club I help out at. I'm...