
  1. Sweet Reverb

    72hr Jam 2024 Outdoor Clothing Donation Bin 1

    An outdoor charity donation bin for Scrap for Tots. Sign on the side says: This container accepts: Scrap & reclaimed metals Hats & Miscs Craftable weapons This season, bring a smile to a young mercenary's face with the gift of scrap. Sundersons Scrapbanking Created for the Winter 2024 72hr Jam
  2. WhoWee!

    Donation issues?

    Hello, Last night I decided to donate to the site, and I woke up to the paypal receipt from my email. I have not received any notification from the site, and I wanted to make sure the payment went through. I'm guessing there's some aproval process, but I'm just making sure. Is this the correct...
  3. Cincomma

    How to Cancel Your Recurring VIP Payments

    Due to the recent site update and migration, an issue regarding recurring paypal payments has shown up. This thread is to help in cancelling your VIP subscription to prevent unnecessary payments. IF YOU HAVE NOT CANCELLED YOUR RECURRING VIP DONATION, VIP WILL NOT BE AUTOMATICALLY RENEWED VIA...
  4. This Fucking Guy

    Donator steam medals?

    When do the Summer Jam medals go out to those who donated 5+ dollars to the charity event?